Dental Procedures Done

General Dentistry
- Consultation and counseling for treatment plans
- Diagnostic advice and diagnosis
- Oral hygiene maintenance advice
- Basic treatments: (a) Routine tooth extraction (b) Minor surgical tooth extraction (c) Tooth filling (d) Oral prophylaxis (scaling) (e) Root Canal Treatment (RCT) (f) Crown preparation and fitting (g) Ordinary prosthesis
- Referrals to Dental Super Specialists for specific treatments: (h) Implant-supported prosthesis (i) Surgical procedures (j) Complicated RCT (k) Cosmetic treatments (l) Gum disorders (m) Paediatric problems (n) Orthodontic treatment

- Preventive & Interceptive Orthodontics
- Fixed Mechanotherapy with various braces
- Micro-implant screw for anchorage
- Interdisciplinary & Aesthetic Orthodontics
- Orthodontics without wire (e.g., Aligners)

- Single Sitting Root Canal Treatment
- Laser Assisted Root Canal Treatment
- Re-Root Canal Treatment — It is required when the RCT has been done elsewhere but failed or not done properly causing recurring pain and infection
- RCT of medically compromised patients, viz. patients on anti-coagulants
- RCT of 3rd Molar Tooth (Wisdom Tooth)

- Oral hygiene and home care instructions for child and parent
- Monitoring dental development
- Caries risk assessment
- Fluoride application for caries prevention
- Pit & fissure sealant application
- Diet counseling
- Space maintainers
- Tooth cavity filling
- Habit-breaking appliances
- Stainless steel crowns and white crowns for milk teeth
- Root Canal in milk teeth and young permanent teeth
- Fabrication of Mouth Guards for sports injury prevention
- Treatment under General Anesthesia and Sedation for fearful children
- Painless surgical treatment with Laser for children

Prosthodontics & Dental Implant
- Keyhole Implant
- Single Tooth Implant
- Multiple Teeth Implant
- Full Mouth
- Reconstruction
- All-on-4
Overdentures - Computer-guided Implant
- Sinus Augmentation

Cosmetic Dentistry
- Teeth Whitening (Zoom Bleaching)
- Dental Crowns
- Crown & Bridge (Replacement of missing teeth)
- Broken Teeth Restoration
- Dental Veneers
- Cosmetic Teeth Shaping
- Dental Jewellery
- Replacement of Silver Amalgam Fillings with tooth-colored restorations
- All Ceramic Crowns to replace crowns with black lines
- Diastema Management (Spacing of front teeth)
- Tooth Splinting (Immobilization of mildly mobile front teeth)

- Non-surgical gum therapies: Ultrasonic Scaling, Curettage, Local Drug Delivery, Occlusal Therapies
- Gum surgeries: Gingivectomy, Gingivoplasty, Gum Enlargement Treatment, Periodontal Flap Surgery
- Esthetic smile enhancing procedures
- Esthetic Crown Lengthening Surgery
- Reconstruction flap surgeries: Bone graft materials and GTR membranes used.

Oral & Maxilo-facial Surgery
- Complicated tooth extraction
- Surgical extraction for Impacted Teeth
- Surgical exposure of unerupted teeth
- Tumor and cyst removal
- Correction of jaw and TMJ deformities
- Oral Cancer treatment and Reconstruction
- Facial injury repairs
- TMJ disorder treatment
- Incision and Drainage of infected areas
- Denture fit corrections
- Cleft Lip and Palate correction
- Aesthetic face correction through Jaw surgeries